interior Residential Painting

Improving your home’s ambience is one of the best investments you can make as a homeowner, and paint is an integral part. Make sure it’s done right.

By working with Beyond the Surface, not only do you avoid the frustration that comes with inevitable drips, paint spills, and awkward edging, you’re also guaranteed brilliant and impeccable results that will last.

A change in colour (or even paint quality) can personalize or revitalize your living spaces, allowing you to express yourself through your home. In fact, colour is an incredibly effective tool if you know how to use it! The right tone can bring life and energy to a room, making it cozy, comfortable, and livable, even promoting tranquility or creativity.

Beyond the Surface specializes in creating (or restoring) dream spaces, whether that means covering marks and messes, repainting after water remediation, or redoing faux fixtures, we take difficult requests and deliver outstanding results!

Looking to reinvent your home’s interior spaces? Give us a call at (604-807-9599) to see how we can help!

freshly painted dining room